Wires & Cables Aero 44 Cables 6 All information given are in good faith.Siechem's liability is only to replace the defective portion of cables provided the same is mutually established as manufacturing defects within the guarantee period as agreed in writing and Siechem shall not be liable for any compensation or damages. Siechem reserves the right to revise any of the above specifications without prior intimation. Subject to Chennai Jurisdiction. Siechem - AS 9100 : D and ISO 9001-2015 This is to cer fy that the management system of: Siechem Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Main Site: Siechem Technologies Pvt. Ltd.: R.S. No. 104/8 & 105/7, Sedarapet Main Road, Pondicherry-605101, India Has been audited and registered by Intertek as mee ng the requirements of the standard: AS9100:D and ISO 9001:2015 The management system is applicable to: Design and Manufacturing of Wires & Cables, Harness Assembly, Polyamide Flexible Conduit and accessories. Cer ficate Number 0100800-01 Ini al Cer fica on Date 14 April 2020 Cer ficate Issue Date 14 April 2023 Cer ficate Reissue Date Cer ficate Expiry Date 13 April 2026 CalinMoldovean President, Business Assurance Intertek Tes ng Services NA, Inc. dba Intertek 4700 Broadmoor Avenue S.E., Kentwood, MI, USA The assessment was performed in accordance with the requirements of AS9104/1:2012-01. Intertek is accredited under the Aerospace Registrar Management Program and IAQG ICOT scheme. In the issuanceof thiscer ficate, Intertekassumesno liability toanypartyother than to theClient,and thenonly inaccordancewith theagreed upon Cer fica onAgreement.Thiscer ficate’svalidity issubject to theorganiza onmaintaining theirsystem inaccordancewith Intertek’srequirements forsystemscer fica on.Validity maybeconfirmedviaemailatcer ficate.valida on@intertek.comorby scanning thecode to the rightwithasmartphone. Thecer ficate remains theproperty of Intertek, towhom itmustbe returnedupon request. CT-AS9100_2009-AS9104_1-ANAB-EN-LT-P-01.jul.17